Books and storytelling feature prominently at our kinder.
At SPK we regularly share stories and read aloud with the children in group time and during quiet times. There is always access to our library of books, where the children can select books they are interested in – self selection is an excellent way to show their growing independence and interests.
Children also use our library corner to enjoy the range of books, share a funny story together with a teacher, or to help themselves relax of feel more settles if they’ve upset or frustrated – a great self-regulating tool.
The 4yo groups also participate in a library program at kinder each week. And our kinder children also have visits from a Boroondara Libraries librarian to talk about the books as part of our Community theme.
Books are a great introduction to early literacy, but we do not teach children to read in kinder. Our purpose is to help children learn to enjoy books as part of a range of incidental learning tools – sharing a book aloud helps improve their language skills, and looking over the pictures encourages their sense of imagination and storytelling. Books are social conduit. A way for children to express themselves, understand more about themselves and their peers, and expose them to new concepts and ways of thinking.
And just to have fun stories. If ‘playing’ with books is fun, imagine how much ‘fun’ it will be to learn to read when they are ready at school!
For more tips on how to help your child’s early literacy development visit the Let’s Ready website.
You can also attend one of the Boroondara Library storytime sessions with your child.
The following article is from Raising Children Network
Why reading is important for babies and young children
Sharing stories, talking and singing every day helps your child’s development.
You’re helping your child become familiar with sounds, words, language and the value of books. This all builds your child’s early literacy skills, helping her go on to ready successfully later in life.
Reading stories sparks your child’s imagination, stimulates curiosity and helps with brain development. Interesting illustrations and word patterns – such as rhymes – can get your child talking about what he’s seeing and thinking, and help him understand the patterns of language.
Exploring stories also helps your child learn the difference between ‘real’ and ‘make-believe’ and might help develop her own ideas.
Reading of telling stories can also be safe ways to explore strong emotions, which can help your child understand change, as well as new or frightening events. Books about going to the dentist or hospital, starting at child care or making new friends will help your child learn about the world around him.
Sharing stories with your child doesn’t mean you have to read.
Just by looking at books with your child, you can be a great storyteller and a good model for using language and books. Your child will learn just by watching you hold a book the right way and seeing how you move through the book by gently turning the pages.
Reading stories with children has benefits for grown-ups too. This special time together promotes bonding and helps to build your relationship, laying the groundwork for your child’s later social, communication and interpersonal skills.