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Frequently Asked Questions

Kinder is different to child care. It is different to playgroup. It is different to school. And we certainly don’t expect you to know everything!


To help you on your way at kinder, we’ve provided answers to some of the most common questions here at SPK. If you have further questions, please call us on 03 9889 1543 or email to:


Questions & Answers:


Signing in and out of Kindergarten


You need to complete the sign in book every time to deliver or collect your child from kinder. You must sign in the time your child arrives/leaves – not the time the session starts!

If the other person is on your “authorised to collect” list provided as part of your Enrolment and Information Form, it’s all good – just let us know when you signing your child in. However, if this is a new person, you will need to organise to complete the authorisation form PRIOR to the person collecting your child.


Per our Delivery and Collection of Children Policy, we are unable to release a child into the care of an unauthorised person, or a person under 18 years of age. Please visit our Policies page to view the Delivery and Collection of Children Policy.


My child is sick. Shall I notify Kinder?


If your child is quite sick, they need to stay away from kinder for the day. Please call to let us know they will not be attending.
If you are on kinder duty, you also need to sign the visitors book.


Our Dealing with Infectious Diseases policy sets out the types of illnesses that require you to keep your child home from kinder – and for how long.


If your child shows symptoms of an infectious disease, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may alert other parents to the symptoms. This way, we can minimise the spread of illness in our kinder community.

To review the policy, please visit our Policies page.

I missed the SPK Open Day. Can I come for a tour?

Yes. You are welcome to call 03 9889 1543 and make an appointment to visit our kinder after a kinder session (preferably on Thursday).  Or come and see us on our Open Day in May each year. Keep checking our News and Events page for details.


How do I enrol my child to the Summerhill Park Kindergarten?

Enrolments are handled by the Council’s Boroondara Kindergarten Central Enrolment Scheme (BKCES). For more information, see our Enrol pagevisit BKCES or call BKCES on 03 9278 4444. 


What are the Summerhill Park Kindergarten Fees? Do they change?


With the introduction of the Best Start, Best Life reform by the State Government in 2023, Summerhill Park Kindergarten has made the decision to opt into  ‘Free Kinder’ to support access to 15 hrs per week of high-quality kindergarten by children in our community.


The ‘Free Kinder’ funding subsidy does not cover all the costs of running a high-quality kindergarten program. In order to bridge the gap and ensure we continue to offer our high-quality programs we encourage families to participate in our Family Voluntary Contribution Payment Plan. The Family Voluntary Contribution Payment enables our children to continue receiving the educational benefits, such as having a third Educator in the afternoons fostering a more enriching learning environment and covering costs of incursions/excursions providing valuable opportunities for children to explore beyond the classroom. 


Fees are reviewed annually. The latest fees can be found on our Sessions page , in our Fees policy (available from our Policies page), or by calling the kindergarten on 03 9889 1543. 


My child starts Kinder. Will there be any orientation sessions?


Orientation sessions for the following year are established as part of the Information Night and Annual General Meeting (AGM) in October. Parents must attend the AGM to set an orientation date/time and receive a starting times sheet – this provides all the details for your child’s first couple of weeks to settle in at kinder. If you do not have a ‘starting times’ sheet, please call the kindergarten on 9889 1543.


For more information on our orientation process, please click here.


What is a Kindergarten duty?


We are a community-based kindergarten – and part of being in our community is helping out! Kinder duty gives you the best chance to see your child in action at kinder, watch how they change and grow “outside the family”, and show them that you are interested and support their learning.


When you are on kinder duty, your child is so proud and excited to have you there. It gives both you and your child a chance to share in the learning process, and get to know the other children in your child’s life. It’s also a great opportunity to talk with the teachers about your child’s progress and how they see your child’s development and learning journey.


Plus – there’s painting and playdough and blocks. Who doesn’t love kinder?!


If you are on kinder duty, you also need to sign the visitors book.


My child is turning 3 in May. Does my child start Kinder in January, at the beginning of the school year?


Your child cannot start attending kinder until they have turned 3 years of age. However, you will need to pay the term fee to hold their place until they turn 3. 


Can my child repeat a 3 year old Kindergarten program?


Given the high demand for 3 year old places in Boroondara, it is unlikely that a second year of 3 year old kindergarten will be available. Parents are asked to seriously consider when it will be appropriate for their child to start attending kinder. 


Can my child repeat a 4 year old Kindergarten program?


A second year of 4 year old kinder may be available to children who meet the requirements established by the Department of Education and Training. For further information, please speak to your kindergarten teacher or to BKCES.



Summerhill Park Kindergarten would like to acknowledge the people of the Kulin Nation, the traditional owners of the land on which we learn and play and pay our respects to their elders, both past and present. 

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